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In L.M.'s Garden



A collection of short poems, haiku, haiga, sketches, and photography, from an afternoon in the Lucy Maud Montgomery Memorial Garden and the Willow Park Ecology Centre, in Norval, Ontario.


     On August 6, 2001, the hottest day of the year, six people met in the picturesque village of Norval, Ontario, for an afternoon ginko. We wandered and picnicked in the Lucy Maud Montgomery Memorial Garden, and explored the Willow Park Ecology Centre.

     In this tranquil setting it was easy for us to forget the bustle and confusion of modern life, and imagine a gentler era. On this day, colours were brighter than usual, our senses were sharpened, and taking a step into the past was as natural as our surroundings.

     We immersed ourselves in the place, taking delight and recognition in the splendour and value of trees, water, birds, leaves, flowers, insects, and their connections with each other, and us.

CONTRIBUTING POETS                                   PHOTOGRAPHS                                   ILLUSTRATIONS
Becky Alexander                                           Norm Johnson                                 Becky Alexander
Ellen Jaffe                                                                                                             Nancy Olwen Morrey
Nancy Olwen Morrey                                                                                             Dave Allen
Marta O'Reilly
Wendy Visser

ISBN - 0-9687348-2-0

32 Pages

$12.00 Canada
$10.00 U.S.A.

NOW ONLY $5.00 + postage

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