Aurora Borealis
Green flames dancing
over arctic ice
women dance in the glow
on the frozen snow
to the silent song
of an arctic night
and a distant beat of
a sealskin drum
To a distant beat
Of a sealskin drum
the silent song
of an arctic night
women dance on the frozen snow
by the green flames glow
of the northern lights.
Marion Smith
God Musing
Should I, in an idle moment, take a day
bathe it in the warmth of gentle sun
then, over an undulating weald,
lay a patchwork quilt of fields
and, to put the rustle in a breeze
a handful, here and there, of trees
and where within the quilt, a seam
as from a dell, or better yet, a spring
a rivulet that babbles in a stream
down a dingle-wooded fell
then for resting and relief
over tree-lined lanes a cloak of velveteen
beneath infinities of stars, a solitary moon
and in between, a dawn to warn of morning
and in the wane of afternoon, a dusky light
before the inevitable totality of night
but for fear of mankind’s wilful harm
I leave it all for lovers arm in arm.
S. J. White
I resist the urge
to read the future
in the stars
the only certain prediction
is [my] death
I am old[er] now
road-mapped around the edges
footprints of the crow
weather beaten, time pummeled
crinkled paper-bag brown
my lifeline
etched across my palm
coming up short
the message is clear:
I’ve overstayed my welcome
it is always the oldest
sent into the freeze of winter
to feed the wolves
the oldest taken down by the predator
in the herd’s race to escape
but if the truth be known
we old hags just can't run
fast enough
don't blame the herd
don't blame the wolf
Marianne Paul